Morristown NJ Criminal LawyerAlissa D. Hascup has left her position as the Montville Township Municipal Prosecutor after handling DWI cases, traffic offenses, and minor criminal charges there. Prior to her time there, Alissa was an assistant county prosecutor at the Morris County Prosecutor’s Office. While serving as an assistant prosecutor, Alissa handled, among other things, drug charges, gun charges, and even an attempted murder case. Alissa currently serves as the President of the Criminal Law Section of the New Jersey State Bar Association. She was also recently nominated to a New Jersey Supreme Court Committee on Domestic Violence.

Now, because Alissa is no longer precluded from defending cases in Morris County because of her position as a Morris County Municipal Prosecutor, Alissa is available to defend cases in both the Morris County Superior Court as well as in all the Municipal Courts throughout Morris County. She is available to meet you in the Morristown office anytime for a free initial consultation. Please contact her directly at 201-556-1573.