The essential Kinnelon Municipal Court information is as follows:
Address: 130 Kinnelon Road, Kinnelon, New Jersey 07405
Telephone Number: 973-838-7644 Fax Number: 973-838-9161
Sessions: Second and Fourth Tuesday at 10:00 am
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Judge: The Honorable John G. D’Angelo, J.M.C.
Court Administrator: Elizabeth Bansfield-Mossa
Telephone Number: 973-838-7644 ext. 7
Deputy Court Administrator: Mary Ellen Wunsch
Prosecutor: Ralph M. Fava, esq.
Telephone Number: 973-423-0275
Police Department: 973-838-5400
For additional information you can visit
Kinnelon is in the process of adopting additional ordinances to crack down on underage drinking. Alcohol possession and consumption by underage persons is a disorderly persons offense. It is unlawful for any person under the legal age to knowingly possess or knowingly consume an alcoholic beverage on public or quasi public property. Kinnelon has intentions to expand this law by making this behavior illegal on private property as well. The maximum penalty is up to 6 months in jail if you are convicted of this underage drinking offense. Convictions have also included fines of approximately $500.00. Additionally, enrollment in an alcohol program and/or probation may be required.
Even as a juvenile, charges like these on your record can affect your entire future. At the Law Offices of Jonathan Marshall, our criminal trial team has 100 years of combined legal experience representing clients throughout New Jersey against all types of criminal offenses. Do not let the life changing consequences of these charges affect you. If you or someone you know has been charged with these or other criminal offenses in Kinnelon, please contact our Morristown or Parsippany offices for immediate assistance at 973-971-0030.