Boonton Township DWI LawyersA school official in Boonton Township NJ faces charges for Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) in Morris Township, New Jersey.

The suspect is a 60-year-old man who lives in Mendham, NJ. Since July 2014, the suspect has served as the business administrator for the Boonton Board of Education. For 10 years before that, he was the business administrator for the Randolph Board of Education.

The suspect was placed under arrest on December 30, 2016 and charged with drunk driving after being involved in a car accident. According to authorities, the suspect was driving in Morris Township NJ when he lost control of his motor vehicle and crashed. Someone subsequently dialed 911 and alerted the Morris County Park Police Department, which dispatched officers to the scene.

When Morris County Park cops arrived at the scene of the accident, they reportedly observed the suspect exhibiting signs of being intoxicated. It has not been revealed yet whether the suspect failed a breath test before he was arrested and charged with a DUI.

The suspect has also been cited for other traffic offenses in connection with the car crash.

For additional information about this case, check out the article, “Boonton School Official Charged with DWI, Report Says.”