I frequently represent clients in the Morristown Municipal Court which is located on South Street, down the street from my Morristown office location.
The Morristown Municipal Court is located at:
200 South Street
P.O. Box 150
Morristown, NJ 07963-0150
Phone: (973)292-6680
Chief Judge: Michael J. Noonan, J.M.C.
Judge: Gary F. Troxell, J.M.C.
Prosecutor: Robert Rudy, Esq.
Police: (973)538-2200
Website: http://www.townofmorristown.org/
The Morristown Municipal Court handles criminal matters (disorderly persons offenses), traffic offenses, and violations of local law. Disorderly persons offenses and petty disorderly persons offenses are the only type of criminal matters than can be handled in Municipal Court. Disorderly persons offenses include up to six (6) months in the county jail, up to a $1,000.00 fine, and result in a criminal charge on your record (which may be expunged in some cases after five (5) years). Some examples of disorderly persons offenses include simple assault, possession of marijuana (under 50 grams), and shoplifting (if the amount is less than $200.00).
All other criminal offenses (known as indictable charges) must be handled at the Morristown Superior Court in Morristown, New Jersey. Some examples of indictable criminal charges include aggravated assault, cocaine distribution, and criminal sexual contact.
Drunk driving offenses are traffic violations and also are handled in the Morristown Municipal Court. Traffic offenses such as speeding tickets, driving without insurance, or driving with a suspended license are also matters which will be handled in the Morristown Municipal Court.