Rockaway Township NJ police arrested a Wayne NJ man who was allegedly intoxicated when he trespassed on another person’s property.
When Rockaway Township police responded to a report of a man banging on the doors and windows of a Wenonah Avenue home, they found Peter Oh arguing with the residents of the house. A resident of the home said that Mr. Oh had stopped at a sliding glass door and yelled at them to let him inside.
According to police, Mr. Oh appeared drunk. Police said that when Mr. Oh was confronted with the facts, he continued to insist that he had the correct house. Officers discovered that Mr. Oh’s identification indicated that he lived on a road with the same name – Wenonah – but spelled differently.
When questioned about his apparent public intoxication, Mr. Oh told the officers that he had been out drinking with friends in New York City.
Police arrested Mr. Oh on a disorderly persons charge. Later, Mr. Oh was given a summons to appear in court and released to his parents.
To learn more, check out the article entitled “Cops: Drunk, Shirtless Man Insisted Rockaway Township Home Was His.“