Parsippany NJ Man Arrest Man for Promoting Child ProstitutionAn Elizabeth NJ man has been arrested for allegedly recruiting an underage female to work as a prostitute in Parsippany, New Jersey.

21-year-old Wendy Archelus, a man, is accused of serving as both a driver and a pimp for the 17-year-old girl.

Police believe that Mr. Archelus gave the girl a phone, which she used to arrange a meeting with an undercover police officer. Mr. Archelus is also accused of driving the girl to a hotel in Parsippany, where she was expected to engage in prostitution.

Prosecutors have said that Mr. Archelus admitted the allegations against him.

Mr. Archelus has been charged with first degree human trafficking, first degree promoting child prostitution, and third degree child endangerment. If Mr. Archelus is convicted of human trafficking, he may be sentenced to as many as 20 years in state prison.

Mr. Archelus’ bail was first set at $250,000.00, but a Morris County Superior Court judge later lowered the amount to $200,000.00 because Mr. Archelus has strong ties to the local community.


For more information, see the article entitled “Elizabeth Resident Faces Human Trafficking Charge in Teen Prostitution Case in Parsippany.