Greenleaf Compassion Center opened earlier this month on Bloomfield Avenue in Montclair, New Jersey. This is the first medical marijuana dispensary opened in New Jersey and is available by appointment only so far. One of their customers is a 40-year-old man who has been HIV positive for twenty (20) years. The medical marijuana will ease the gut-wrenching nausea he suffers from based on his treatments.
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I represented a client recently who was charged with 2nd degree eluding arising out of Parsippany, New Jersey. This second degree indictable (felony) level charge must be handled at the Morris County Superior Court in Morristown, New Jersey. My client was facing five (5) to ten (10) years in New Jersey State Prison with a presumption of incarceration. This means that, even with no prior criminal record, it is presumed that you will receive a state prison sentence if you are convicted of a second degree offense. Moreover, he was facing a permanent indictable (felony) charge on his record. Finally, because he is a permanent resident (green card holder), he would be deported if he was convicted of any indictable (felony) level offense.
Continue Reading Second Degree Eluding Charges in Parsippany Result in PTI Admission