Chatham NJ Police Investigating RobberyChatham NJ police are looking for a suspect who drove into a Dunkin’ Donuts parking lot in a Porsche, then drove off with a stolen Mercedes.

When Chatham NJ patrol officers arrived the Dunkin’ Donuts on Main Street in response to a report of a stolen vehicle, a Kings Road resident told the officers that she had left her 2013 Mercedes GLK running while she went inside the store. When she exited the store, she said, her car was gone.

Store security video showed that a person had driven up in a late-model Porsche and gotten into the Mercedes. The surveillance footage showed both cars speeding away from the scene, driving eastbound on Main Street.

Police said that they did not yet have descriptions of the suspects.

In New Jersey, auto theft is governed under N.J.S.A. 2C: 20-3. The statute stipulates that theft of an automobile by unlawful taking is, at a minimum, a third degree criminal offense. In this case, if the suspect is caught and convicted of third degree auto theft, he or she could be sentenced to up to (5) years in state prison.

Chatham NJ police have asked that anyone with information about this incident contact them at (973) 635-8000.


For more information, check out the article entitled “Car Thief Got Out of a Porsche, Drove Off with Mercedes, Chatham Cops Say.