A man from Mount Olive NJ faces multiple criminal charges for possession of heroin and theft by unlawful taking after he allegedly broke into a parked car and stole $3,000 in cash.
According to Morris County authorities, the suspect was apprehended by Mount Olive NJ police officers earlier this year when the patrol cops spotted him breaking into a parked motor vehicle. During a subsequent search of the suspect, police allegedly found him in possession of 12 glassine folds of heroin, as well as US currency and Guatemalan currency that had gone missing from a 2007 Toyota Tundra parked nearby.
The suspect faces charges for numerous crimes, including burglary, theft by unlawful taking, criminal mischief, resisting arrest, eluding law enforcement, possession of a controlled dangerous substance (CDS), and drug paraphernalia possession. The suspect has also been charged with obstruction of justice and tampering with evidence because he allegedly tried to discard the heroin and then destroy the drugs by stomping on them prior to being arrested.
The 46-year-old suspect resides in the Flanders area of Mount Olive, NJ. He recently made an appearance in Morris County Superior Court in Morristown NJ for a bail review hearing.
After the bail hearing, the suspect was taken back to the Morris County Jail in Morristown, New Jersey. He was being held at the jail in lieu of $45,000 bail.
For more information about this case, view the DailyRecord.com article, “‘Team Money’ Heroin found on Flanders Man, Authorities Said.”