Morristown Theft Crime LawyersA Wayne New Jersey woman who used to work a law firm in Morris County NJ pleaded guilty to the theft of more than $63K from her former employer.

The suspect is a 49-year-old woman from Wayne, NJ. She reportedly stole the funds from her law firm in 2015. The law firm noticed the missing money and contacted the Morristown Bureau of Police. Authorities conducted an investigation and determined that the suspect stole the money by cashing fraudulent checks.

Police officers eventually arrested the suspect and charged her with multiple counts of theft.

The suspect managed to avoid trial by reaching a plea deal with Morris County prosecutors. On December 20, 2016, the suspect officially pleaded guilty to third degree theft by unlawful taking. She also agreed to pay full restitution to the victim.

Now a Morris County Superior Court judge has signed off on the plea agreement and sentenced the suspect to a term of probation. This means that she will not be sentenced to prison.

For additional information about this case, see the article, “Former Morris County Law Firm Employee Sentenced.”