Chatham Borough Credit Card Fraud ChargesA man who used to serve as the superintendent at a Chatham NJ apartment complex has been indicted for allegedly stealing more than $80K in security deposits and rent payments.

The 54-year-old suspect used to be in charge of the Volker & Apgar Colonial Manor apartment complex on Main Street in Chatham Borough, NJ. The suspect’s tasks included collecting rent money from tenants and ensuring that the money made it to the owners of the apartment complex.

According to authorities, the suspect collected rent money and security deposits from 17 tenants and then pocketed the funds for himself. The suspect allegedly told the building owners that the apartments in question were vacant.

Prosecutors allege that the suspect deposited the money into his personal bank account and used the funds to pay for his personal expenses.

The suspect is also accused of stealing $15,000 in cash, including lottery winnings, from the apartment building owners.

It is believed that the suspect took a total of $81,760 between January 2012 and July 2014.

The suspect reportedly fled the country after one of the building owners confronted him about the thefts. The suspect allegedly used a Visa credit card to purchase a one-way ticket to Poland. Remarkably, the credit card belonged to the building owner.

The suspect’s flight to Poland left on August 11. He has not set foot in the United States since then.

Authorities were alerted to the possible thefts and investigated the suspect. The joint investigation was conducted by the Morris County Prosecutor’s Office and the Chatham Borough Police Department.

After the investigation, Morris County prosecutors filed charges against the suspect.

The suspect was recently indicted by a Morris County grand jury in Morristown, New Jersey. The suspect was indicted on two counts of theft and one count of credit card fraud.


For additional information about this case, access the article entitled “Ex-Apartment Super in Chatham Accused of Stealing $81K in Rent Money.”